Nowadays Being unemployed is very common and day by day ratio is increasing spontaneously and its a tag unemployed we are getting in our head. But don’t worry if we try we can remove unemployed tag from head through blogging as well.
Before going to the solution of any problem we need find out the problem and its root cause, then only we can solve the problem. So here our problem is unemployed tag which is attached in our head and we need to remove this. That’s why we need to know two things first … 1) Employed & 2) Unemployed

Table of Contents
What is Employment or employed in simple language?
Employment is a relationship between two parties “Employer” and “Employee” where Employer assigned some task to employee and employee get paid for his work. And the person who got the opportunity to do the work is Employed.
What is Unemployment or unemployed in simple language ?
Unemployment is a term which refers to the individuals who are employable but seeking for the job and not getting. And in that situations the job seeker is Unemployed.
Best Way to Remove Unemployed Tag From Head through Blogging :
Hey! , you are reading this article means definitely you are unemployed and looking for the solution but don’t worry here is the solution of this problem. You just need to follow the simple steps and understand the potential of the market.
- Brush up your skills.
- Start a blog based based on your skill.
- Keep growing your blog.
- Monetize the blog and start earning money.
When you will start and keep growing your blog for at least for 3 months with full patience definitely you will be a successful blogger and the tag will be changed from unemployed to Self-employed which means you are an employee of yourself, You are doing work for yourself.
Later on there is a chance , you will be an employer and you can give jobs to people on different different domain like …
- Keyword analyst
- Content writer.
- Graphics designer.
- Content manager
- Social media manager.
- Accountant.
May be you are thinking from where the above list is coming for giving job to others.
So the answer is , at early stage of your blogging journey you will be doing everything by yourself like you need to search for keywords, Analyzing them for potentiality , writing content based on these keywords, designs the media (images, gifs, videos etc.), manages the content (Which content where to put, how to put), once you published one post you need do marketing in different social media platforms( at least at starting days), after every thing at last you need to do payments tasks( how to receive, if taxes applicable, etc). So once you blog will be big you can’t be able do all those thing single , you need to hire people who can do the particular tasks.
Why do you need to be employed ?
May be you probably know why it is important to be employed and definitely there is something called livings cost which is applicable for everyone( it doesn’t matter whether you are bearing or not but still it is applied on individuals) but for some people it is like that somehow they need a job ( on any field, any domain it doesn’t make sense ) because they need to fulfill their daily lives like
- Buying foods/drinks.
- Buying cloths.
- Paying essential bills.
In another way there are some people who like to do a job but they need specific domain or profile and some people gets , some people didn’t but they don’t have any problem at present because of they are getting their daily life essentials anyhow, they have a financial backup somehow.
Affects of being unemployed ?
- It causes stress.
- Stress has long-term physiological and mental health effect.
- It leads to depression, anxiety and lower self-esteem.
Currently you may heard about Layoffs news from different news podcast that Google fired 12000 emplyees, Twitter fired above 25000 employees . After that laid off can you imagine the mental condition of employees who got fired, how worst can it be.
How Jobless Creates Jobs ?
Let’s assume a jobless unemployed person Mr. X. Initially he has no job, he was suffering from stress, anxiety, even he was in critical depression and he was searching about unemployment and suddenly got this article. He go through this article and followed all the steps.
After that he started a blog on dental health, he did lots of research on that. Initial days he used to do all the task like keyword research, reading competitor articles, content writing, content managing, Designing images , promoting of contents, managing accounts etc. but now for that works he hired some people as employee and he managing all employees . This is how a jobless creates jobs.
Conclusion :
Advantages of being employed and remove the unemployed tag from head through blogging are as follows…
- Live happy life.
- Avoided stressful life.
- Be your own boss.
- Work independently.
- Create jobs for others.