Hey buddy you’re looking for starting a blog right? Here is an opportunity to start a breastfeeding blog.
Have you ever think this can be a blog niche? Since nowadays people are getting more familiar with internet they are try to gather best knowledge because too many information available in the internet and also want to share their experiences to internet.
This niche has a chance of higher growth in terms of traffic and profit as well. Further in this article I’m going to tell each and every steps and scopes of this blog niche. How you can make money through this blog, what are the ways I’ll explain.
Let’s get started…
The 5W’s that explained below.
What does breastfeeding blog mean?
What is breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is the process of a mother feeding her infant with milk from her breasts. Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for babies as it contains all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions that a baby needs to grow and develop.
Breastfeeding can be a natural and fulfilling experience for both the mother and the baby, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. Actually for providing the suggestions and solutions to meet the challenges the the breastfeeding blog comes to the scenario.
What is a blog of breastfeeding?
A breastfeeding blog is nothing but a type of blog or website that focuses on providing information and support related to breastfeeding.
These blogs can be written by mothers who have personal experience with breastfeeding, lactation consultants, or other experts in the field. Breastfeeding blogs can be a valuable source of information and support for new mothers who are navigating the challenges of breastfeeding, as well as for those who are seeking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of this important topic.
Who are the target audience?
Here is nothing like target audience but actually for whom you’re writing these contents is the important part of a blog.
Since this blog you are writing contents about breastfeeding, so simply its targeted to those who are mother or going to be new mom. Obviously, throughout their life as a mother breastfeeding to baby may have experiences some challenges or will experience. They will definitely looking for solutions that you can provide them
Why should you start blog in this niche?
Since this is a micro niche, why I am telling it as a micro niche because this blog targeting certain women who are either breastfeeding mom or mom-to-be. So possibilities of ranking upon this niche will be easy and this niche is pretty better for mom blogger because they have experience of it.
One more reason to start a blog in this niche is money 😊. You know we’re doing everything for money so how can I say it is for money, okay the main reason is during breastfeeding people used different different breastfeeding tools to make their work easy. You can sell or promote these products through your blog or directly you can earn profits by affiliating.
What can be the sub-niches in this niche?
There are many sub-niches, some of them are:

- Breastfeeding tips and advice: This sub-niche could include tips and advice for overcoming common breastfeeding challenges, such as latching difficulties, engorgement, or low milk supply.
- Breastfeeding products and reviews: Reviewing different types of breastfeeding products, such as breast pumps, nursing bras, or nursing pillows can be in this niche.
- Breastfeeding and working mothers: This sub-niche could provide tips and advice for mothers who are balancing breastfeeding with a busy work schedule.
- Breastfeeding and lifestyle: This sub-niche could cover topics such as breastfeeding in public, traveling with a breastfeeding baby, or incorporating breastfeeding into an active lifestyle.
- Breastfeeding and medical issues: This sub-niche could provide information and support for mothers who are dealing with medical issues related to breastfeeding.
- Breastfeeding and parenting: This sub-niche could provide advice for parents on how to balance breastfeeding with other aspects of parenting, such as sleep training or introducing solid foods.
Actually sub-niche means narrow down a niche which is niche inside a niche.
Who are the competitor in this niche?
All the blogs or website who are featuring content related to mother, newborn baby, babies food, breastfeeding items manufacturer etc are this niche competitor but if you focus only on your niche then it will not be factor of competition. Definitely you can standout from crowed.
Some examples of competitors are:
- La Leche League International (LLL): LLL is a nonprofit organization that provides breastfeeding support, education, and advocacy. Their website features articles and resources on breastfeeding, including information on breastfeeding basics, breastfeeding challenges, and breastfeeding and working.
- KellyMom: KellyMom is a website that provides evidence-based information and support for breastfeeding mothers.
- Breastfeeding USA: Breastfeeding USA is a nonprofit organization that provides breastfeeding support and education. Their website features articles and resources on breastfeeding, as well as information on finding local breastfeeding support groups.
- The Leaky Boob: The Leaky Boob is a website that provides breastfeeding support and education. Their website features articles and resources on topics such as breastfeeding and parenting, breastfeeding and working, and breastfeeding and sleep.
- Medela: Medela is a company that produces breast pumps and other breastfeeding products. Their website features articles and resources on breastfeeding, including information on breast pumping, storing breast milk, and breastfeeding and travel.
- The Bump: The Bump is a website that provides information and resources on pregnancy, parenting, and baby care.
Related Posts:
- The Best Different Niches in Blogging | 99% Success Guide
- 3 Easiest Tips for Finding Niche and Get 100% Succeed
- 10 The Best Mom Blog Niche Ideas
Thanks for reading the content and why late? If you don’t have a blog and want to start? Here is your guide to start a blog.
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